The Best Composition Tool on the App Store
This as the title says, is the best tool for transposing and creating music in the App Store.
It has everything. Dynamic markers, decrescendo and crescendo, accents, slurs, ties, tempo markings, a crap ton of instruments, to be played using any clef, including the obscure clefs like tenor and alto. You can transpose octaves and keys, choose repeats, first and second endings, there is no end the the tools this app provides, you can even write lyrics. There are problems, the dynamic marks dont seem to actually change volume. The app also sometimes crashes if you press certain buttons, and youll lose any stuff you did if you didnt save recently, I feel it should save every 10 minutes or so. -Connor Ewan Evans(RoboticSausage)
-August 27th
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iWriteMusic SE, v3.0.2